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SMPS DIN Rail Mountable
SMPS Dual Output DIN Rail Mountable
Black SMPS DIN Rail + Screw Mountable
Open Frame SMPS
DC-DC Converters
SMPS Accessories
DC-UPS (Non Standalone)
Battery Chargers
Interface Modules
Interface Modules
General Purpose Relay Modules
Relay Interface Modules -Standard
Relay Interface Modules -Standard
1 N/O Relay Modules
1 C/O Relay Modules
2 C/O Relay Modules
Relay Interface Modules - Special
Relay Interface Modules - Special
1 N/O, Coil Connecton through FRC/HE 10
1 C/O, Common Pole
1 C/O, 30A Contacts
1 C/O, 30A Contacts High Voltage coils
Generator Control Interface
2 C/O, High Sensitivity
1 C/O, TTL/Low Current Input
1 C/O, Low Signal Relays Module With TTL
2 C/O, TTL/Low Current Input
2 C/O Realy Modules With Opto Input
2 C/O, With FRC Conn.Input & cascading
CNC Specific Relay Module
1 C/O, ABB I/O Interface
Solid State Interface Modules
Solid State Interface Modules
Non Isolated
Opto Interface Modules
FRC / D-SUB Terminator Modules
Diode / Resistor Modules
Proximity Sensor Interface
D-SUB Cables
Analog Signal Converters / Isolators
Analog Signal Converters / Isolators
Dual Isolated Output
Dual Isolated Output
Aux Supply 18~36VDC
Aux Supply 90~270VAC
Single Output
Single Output
Aux Supply 18-32 VDC
Protection Relays
Protection Relays
Phase Sequence Relay
Voltage Protection Relay
Analog Timers
Analog Timers
22.5mm DIN Rail Mounted
48*48mm Panel Mounted
Digital Timers
Voltage Monitor Relay
Precision Reference Source
Modbus I/O Modules
Product For Special Application
Product For Special Application
Automatic Fan Controller
Vibrator Control Card
Discontinued Products
Discontinued Products
G3 Series SMPS
Open Frame SMPS 24W
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11100 - 1 N/O Relay Modules
11200 - 1 C/O Relay Modules
11300 - 2 C/O Relay Modules
12100 - 1 N/O Opt. Coil Connection Through FRC
12200 - 1 N/O Common Pole Sugar Cube
12300 - 1 C/O Common Pole
12400 - 1 N/O Module With FRC Connector
12500 - 1 C/O 30A Contacts
12600 - 1 C/O TTL / Low Current Inputs
12700 - 2 C/O TTL / Low Current Inputs
12800 - 2 C/O Relay With Opto Input
12900 - 2 C/O Module With FRC I/P & Cascading
12A00 - 4 C/O Relay Modules
12B00 - Proxy Sensor To Relay Interface
12C00 - CNC Specific Relay Module
12D00 - 1 C/O Low Signal Relay Module With TTL / Low Current Input
12E00 - 2 C/O High Sensitivity Relay Module With Jumpers For Coil Looping & Reverse Blocking Diodes
12F00 - 1 C/O Relay Module With High Voltage Isolated Coils & 30A Contacts
12F10 - Generator Control Interface
13110 - SSR DC-DC
13120 - SSR DC-AC
13210 - SSR DC-DC (Non - ISO)
13310 - Isolated Solenoid Driver DC
14000 - OPTO Interface Modules DC - DC
14100 - OPTO Interface Modules 230V AC I/P
14200 - High Speed OPTO Interface Modules
15000 - FRC/DSUB Connector
17000 - Diode/Resistor
20100 - SMPS 6W(G38-06-XX)
21100 - SMPS 24W
21110 - DC-DC Converters 24W G34
21120 - DC-DC Converters 24W G35
21200 - SMPS 60W
21250 - Black Series SMPS 60W
21300 - SMPS 120W
21310 - DC-DC Converters 120W G35
21320 - DC-DC Converters 120W G34
21330 - DC-DC Converters 60W,I/P 12VDC
21350 - Black Series SMPS 120W
21400 - SMPS 250W
21500 - SMPS 360W
21600 - SMPS 500W
22000 - SMPS Dual 70W
22100 - DC-DC Converter 70W Dual Output
23100 - SMPS 6W (G48-06-XX)
23200 - SMPS 24W (G41/48-24-XX)
23300 - SMPS 60W (G41/48-60-XX)
23400 - SMPS 120W (G41/48-120-XX)
23500 - SMPS 250W (G41/42-250-XX)
23600 - SMPS 360W (G41/42-360-XX)
23700 - SMPS 500W (G41/42-500-XX)
31100 - Open Frame Single Op 24W
31200 - Open Frame Single Op 60W
31300 - Open Frame Single Op 120W
32100 - Open Frame Dual Op 25W
33100 - Open Frame Multi Op 60W
34000 - Open Frame Triple Isolated Op 10W
41000 - Power Distribution Module
42000 - Redundancy / Paralleling Module
50000 - Precision Reference Source
62000 - Slim Converters
63000 - Analog Signal Converters / Isolators – Isolated Dual Output
70000 - Modbus
81000 - PC13
81000 - PC24
81000 - PC48
82000 - Universal Timer PC13-201, Relay O/P
82200 - Universal Timer PC13-203, SSR O/P
91000 - Automatic Fan Controller
92000 - Vibrator Control Card
93000 - Proximity Sensor Interface
93100 - PNP/NPN Sensor Interface
94000 - Voltage Monitor Relay
AN001 - Application Note Modbus
AN003 - Redundant & Parallel Operation Of Switch Mode Power Supplies
B1000 - Analog Timers : TADU-60M-W/X
B2000 - Analog Timers : TADU-60M-U
B3000 - Analog Timers : TADU-30H-U
B4000 - Analog Timers : TAON-30S, TAON-60S
B5000 - Analog Timers : TASD-60S
B6000 - Analog Timers : TACY-10H-U
B7000 - Analog Timers : TATP-180S
B8000 - Analog Timers : TAFR-8M-U
B9000 - Analog Timers : T4DU-60M-W
BA000 - Analog Timers : T4DU-60M-230 AC
BB000 - Analog Timers : T4DU-30H-230 AC
BC000 - Analog Timers : T4DU-30H-U
BD000 - Analog Timers : T4CY-10H-U
BE000 - Phase Sequence Relay
BF000 - Voltage Protection Relay
C1000 - Hooters – H72X
C2000 - Hooters – H92X
C2100 - Hooters – H92G
C2200 - Hooters – H98F
C3000 - Hooters – H14F
D1000 - Battery Chargers 120W
D2000 - Battery Chargers 250W
D3000 - Battery Chargers 500W
E1000 - Digital Timers TDPW, PUSHWHEEL
E2000 - Digital Timers TD1D, 3 DIGIT
E3000 - Digital Timers TD2D, Dual, 3 DIGIT
E4000 - Digital Timers : TDMF
F1000 - DC UPS 120W
G1000 - GPXX-1C-24V
G1100 - 1C/O Relay Interface Modules With OMRON Relay
G2000 - GPXX-2C-24V
G2100 - 2C/O Relay Interface Modules With OMRON Relay
G3000 - GPFXX-1C-24V